Monday, December 15, 2008

Rudolph the Red-nosed Cookie

I saw this online and decided to put it in the blog - and of course I altered the recipe...

Sugar cookie dough - just buy the roll in the
grocery story either plain or chocolate

3-inch-long teardrop cardboard pattern
(for Rudolph's head)


Spray Can of Frosting


Red hots

1. Roll out the cookie dough to a 1/4-inch thickness. Set the cardboard pattern on the dough. With the point of a sharp knife (parent's only), cut out the reindeer's head. Bake as directed.
2. Let cool. Break apart the pretzels to form antlers and attach them at the top of the reindeer's head with dabs of frosting. Add M&M eyes and don't forget the red hot nose. Makes 40 Rudolph cookies.

Robyn and Isabella are going to bake them up for Santa (and the guys at work)

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