This is one of those recipes that is almost FOOL proof! It is quick, easy, and a great appetizer. This one came from Plantation Country by Lola Broadbent who had traveled the world with her husband Elmer. (Note the photo above as well as the examples are from Wednesdays Cook.
- 1 cup of canned cooked chick peas (Garbanzos)
- 1/3 Cup Tahini (or Taheeni) I found it at Publix and Kroger - but any health food store
- 1/2 Cup lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon salt ( I like Sea Salt)
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 teaspoons chopped parsley
- Olive Oil
- Paprika or Tony's Cajun Seasonings (whatever your taste leads to)
- Drain the chick peas - reserve some of the liquid - JUST IN CASE!
- In blender/food processor put lemon juice and slowly add tahini
- It is a good idea to crush the garlic with a little salt prior to putting it in the blender
- Add the garlic cloves and salt. Blend until it looks like this ...
- Now gradually add the chick peas a few at a time until it is blended very smooth
- You may need to add a little of the reserved liquid to help it blend - as necessary... but not TOOO thin!
- It should look like this...
- The only thing I don't agree with Lola is chilling it.... I think that if you don't chill it ... the flavors start to meld together nicely.... OF COURSE if you are making this early in the morning or the night before... of course... refrigerate it.
- For plating.... swirl it on a plate, sprinkle Paprika or Tony's, and drizzle it with a great olive oil... or even maybe a flavored oil and parsley.
- Of COURSE serve this with toasted pita bread that has been cut apart like a pizza.... or even french bread torn in chunks it not bad.
Hmmmm... I wonder if Rotel would be good in it? I bet it would... if you try it ... email me and let me know !
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